29 Introvert Memes for Grateful Loners Happy to Stay in Their Lane (June 28, 2024)

I used to be pretty ‘cool’ in the traditional sense. I had lots of friends, I wore the clothes everyone liked, and I was generally nice to everybody. Luckily, the introverted part of my brain developed at my frontal lobe started to fully form and I realized that there’s no point in trying to please people or be the ‘coolest’ person in the room! You know what’s cooler than being cool? Hanging out at home on your own, enjoying fresh takeout, a spectacular movie, and a bottle of wine. 

Socializing is all fun and games in small doses, but there are pesky little notions like diplomacy and democracy that come into play when making group decisions. As an introvert, you’re free to make unilateral choices about how you spend your time. Want to go get a haircut? Do it. Want to ride your bike at the park? Load it up. Want to sit in your home and watch all 3 extended editions of Lord of the Rings? Be my guest–or rather, be your guest. 

In the meantime, here are some introvert memes to suit your fancy!

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