A Dose of Pharmacist Memes That Don’t Require a Prescription

To those who are not well-acquainted with the complex world of medicine, the professional pecking order seems limited to two distinct groups: the doctors who diagnose whatever is wrong with you, and the nurses that provide the care when you’re sick. We tend to miss out all the other important people that make up the …
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Woman Stuns Internet With Pregnancy Reveal in Sonography Class

I’m not a huge user of Facebook, and when I do go on it the algorithm goes into a frenzy trying to figure out how to capture my attention. Sometimes, I can’t scroll through the feed without being confronted with the obnoxious wackiness 5-Minute Crafts videos, then the next week it’ll all be cute animal …
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Medical Memes For Exhausted Med Students

Medical school sounds good in concept. Whose parents don’t want them to have a prestigious career? Being a doctor is a surefire way to make any mom or dad proud of you for the foreseeable future, not to mention all of the other benefits of this field. You don’t have to get an actual job …
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Nurse Memes For The Dreaded Night Shift

Most jobs have pretty simple schedules. You go in during the morning, leave at night, sleep, and come back the next morning. Nursing is not «most jobs.» When you’re a nurse, you could be working the night shift one day, and working a day shift another day. It really does a number on your circadian …
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The Worst Medical Takes Twitter Has To Offer

Social media at large is certainly not a medical forum, but its users sure like to pretend it is. In the past couple of years, there have been…situations, one might say, that have increased the amount of medical discourse that happens among non-medical professionals both on social media and in the world at large. It …
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Doctor Memes For Medical Professionals

Going to the doctor can be incredibly un-fun. You have to get poked and prodded by a total stranger, all while divulging way too specific details about your life. No thank you. When I was a kid, I hated going to the doctor and got so worked up that I threw up on my pediatrician …
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Perplexing Ox Horn Preparation Video Has Viewers Reporting Hallucinatory Experience

The world is full of fascinating practices that most of us have yet to experience, and probably never will. One of the greatest things about social media in the present day is that we get exposed to things we may not have otherwise thought twice about; whether we actually understand them, though, is another matter …
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20+ Entertaining Times Knowledge Was Dropped on Stupid People

According to our timelines, pretty much everyone is a medical expert or scientist these days. These «experts» throw around knowledge that is factually untrue and sometimes even downright dangerous. And it’s extremely satisfying when these wannabe Einsteins get schooled by actual professionals on social media. This gallery is full of that delicious dunking. We hope …
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ADHD Memes For the Woefully Afflicted

These memes are pretty damn specific, but we know that anyone with ADHD will truly relate to them. Having either disorder means way more than not being able to focus. They can affect everything from your mood (anxiety, depression) to your spatial awareness. It’s not a fun affliction, but at least these relatable memes really …
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Stinky Feet And Slippery Floors Ruin One Woman’s Impromptu OB-GYN Appointment

People who work in the medical field see all sorts of crazy things on a daily basis. There’s nothing weirder than bodies and how people act about them, but it doesn’t stop a trip to the doctor’s office feeling like an awkward situation. This is doubly true when it comes to an appointment dealing with …
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