Grandma cancels pool trip with her 7 grandchildren due to 8-year-old grandson’s misbehavior, angers his mother: ‘The group punishment made him unliked by the other kids’

We all know the feeling of being punished for someone else’s misdeeds. When you’re an adult, it manifests more subtly, like wondering, «Who ruined this for everyone?» when you see a particular rule. But when you’re a child, the Geneva Convention need not apply. It takes one kid being just enough of a stinker to ruin an entire experience. You will never forget being unable to go to field day because one kid in your class would not stop misbehaving. I was never the kid who caused such punishments, but if you were one, I would think you’d think twice the next time you acted out. 

Whether you believe in collective punishment or not, you’ve got to admit they’re effective. One grandma put her foot down and canceled a pool trip with her grandkids because one of them was constantly misbehaving, and despite this punishment’s efficacy, the mother of the child disagreed with the method. 

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