A Frog-Heavy Dump of Animal Memes

Ribbit ribbit, y’all. Is it just me, or have any of you realized how much more popular frogs have become in the past five years? I’m talking about overall popularity in culture; frog memes, frog-inspired fashion, and the approval rating for frogs are all up. All these things have increased dramatically over the past few years, and I want to know why? Not to accuse others of being a fake fan, but I have been supporting frogs since the beginning. When I was a kid, I was only interested in a Webkinz or a Beanie Baby if it was a frog, and that’s a fact. 

If I’m being honest, I’m glad that frogs are getting more popular. They were a wee bit endangered the last time I checked, and the more frog memes out there, the better. If you care about frogs and all of the animals in the animal kingdom, these animal memes might just rock your world. 

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