Amusing Thread Details Some of the Strangest & Funniest Celebrity Eulogies

There is something about being in the public eye that makes many famous people seem immortal. Nonetheless, just like us, the time eventually comes where they have to say goodbye to this earthly plane. Death is a shock in any context, but especially when it happens to a person that everybody seems to know. In the internet age, it brings all sorts of good and bad anecdotes out of the woodwork. The tributes surrounding celebrity deaths are sometimes sweet, but it’s also pretty easy for them to sink into deranged territory. Finding some humor in mourning isn’t always a bad thing. In fact, it can be involuntary when some choose to react like this. A recent thread gave some of the strangest examples when it came to people posting eulogies for celebrities, and they are all worth a double take. I guess it’s the price you pay for allowing millions to develop a parasocial relationship with you. 

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