Clueless Small Business Owner Gets Roasted for Accidentally Clogging House Pipes With Concrete

Creating a business to call your own is a difficult thing to do. While you might be bored of the drudgery of being an employee, and have a passion that you would like to pursue, it’s rarely as easy as setting up shop and calling it a day.

In fact, it’s pretty common to cause some self-inflicted wounds to success when you’re just starting out, but they aren’t always as catastrophic as the one experienced by @siennastudios. After dumping all the extra cement she used in her handicrafts down her sink afterwards, she paid a heavy price when all the pipes in her house ended up needing replacement.

Posting this predicament to TikTok, many viewers were baffled at the fact that she seemed to be in shock at this result. We all have our birdbrained moments now and then, but it’s not often that they lead to results as drastic as this. 

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