The Best Animal Memes of the Week (April 1, 2023)

There are a lot of animals in the Muppet Cinematic Universe. They’ve got frogs, pigs, bears, aliens, rats, and all kinds of whatnots! If I had to choose, my favorite muppet would be Animal. He’s got such a lust for life that we all could use a little bit of. This might be a bit of an unpopular Muppet opinion, but if it weren’t for Animal, I don’t know if the Electric Mayhem would have survived as a group. Sure, we all love Dr. Teeth and Janis, but Animal brings the punk edge that the band so desperately needs. There are a lot of squares in the muppet ensemble. Fozzie is a hack, and Sam the Eagle has terrible taste. Not since Crazy Harry has a muppet brought such animalistic qualities to the group. If you love animals and Animal, then these animal memes will bring out the dog in you. 

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