A Side Of Memes To Enjoy Alongside Procrastination Guilt

In this uncertain and ever-changing world of ours, one of the very few things we’re able to rely on is a steady flow of memes. Provided we have an OK internet connection or even just a hefty folder on our phones, we can keep ourselves entertained without making much more effort than a simple scroll. While many of us end up with a lot of time wasted, it’s not always easy to do this well. This is why the universe of silly pictures on the internet is so beguiling, because it takes all the stress out of what you want to do because you’re bored, and places is it on all the things you should probably be doing instead that are more boring. Nonetheless, you’re here now, so you may as well treat yourself to a few more memes. They may not enrich your mind, but they do pump up those dopamine levels. 

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