32 Funny Grandparent Memes That Will Have You Dialing Grandma and Grandpa ASAP

Ah, grandma and grandpa memes – the delightful little gems that remind us just how cool and hilarious our beloved elders can be. And if you haven’t heard of grandparent memes…well, now you have. You’re welcome. Even if you don’t have grandparents, chances are you’ve met a grandma or grandpa who’s adopted you as their …
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Grandchild Sells Priceless Family Heirloom Without Asking the Rest of the Family First

Some items are easy to hold onto. If you have a precious ring or other jewelry worth a lot of money, it’s easy to hang onto that for generations to come. All you have to do is give it to the responsible daughter who knows where her possessions are and not to the spacey daughter …
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Pushy Grandparents Harass New Parents Until They Send Pictures of Their Newborn

Pictures of newborn babies are very important currency to certain types of grandparents. Some grandparents want to wait until they meet their grandbaby in person and can do without pictures for a little while, but not the ones that recently went viral in an AITA thread. These grandparents will stop at nothing to get a …
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The Best Heartwarmingly Wholesome Memes and Posts of the Week (October 5, 2023)

As a professional collector of online Content, I feel like I’ve seen it all when it comes to memes and their themes. I’ve lived through old-school rage comics, ironic memes, and post-ironic deconstructions of memes. I’ve observed people make punchlines out of their depression, and try and outdo each other with edginess until they tip …
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Greedy Family Demands Inheritance from Daughter They Refused to Support

Family drama can get messy. Throw any sort of inheritance issue into the mix and you have a recipe for disaster. Greed shouldn’t get in the way of familial relationships, but, unfortunately, people are money hungry by nature. I suppose that’s cynical; it’s just quite often true. In a post to the /r/amitheasshole subreddit, user …
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The Best Heartwarmingly Wholesome Memes and Posts of the Week (August 17, 2023)

Attention all misanthropes. I have a proposal for you: how about you don’t feel like that sometimes? It’s difficult, I know, I’m usually one of you. However, the benefits of a little carefully dosed positivity cannot be overstated. I understand that if you’re depressed, being bossed about by the introduction to a list of memes …
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20 Gracious Grandma Memes for Folks Who Love Their Family

There’s nothing sweeter than a gracious grandma. They’re there to talk to you, comfort you, cook for you, and love you. While they weren’t always the most exciting trips, visiting grandma as a kid was always a treat. While your parents are responsible for raising you, grandmas are responsible for treating you. Great gifts, copious …
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Mother Forces Daughters To Wear Dresses To Appease ‘Traditional’ Grandparents

Part of being a parent is forcing your kids to do things they don’t want to do. Sometimes, they have to eat yucky vegetables and finish the year of playing with their soccer team, even though they wanted to quit halfway through. However, there’s a point where parents need to listen to what their kids …
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People Share the Juiciest Family Secrets They’re Not Supposed to Know

Family secrets can range from being horribly painful to being the juiciest gossip ever concocted. I definitely don’t want anyone to have to deal with the trauma of finding out their father has a secret family or their aunt committed vehicular manslaughter in 1992. However, these stories are interesting for a reason. We don’t tend …
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People Share the Things They Think Earlier Generations Did Right

Boomers have never been shy in blaming young people for all the many ills of the world, and Millennials and Gen Z clap back with a fervor. There’s no denying that many of the problems faced by those under a certain age were kickstarted by their parents, and it’s easy to get into the feedback …
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