Chef Starts Ferocious Debate About Flavor After Being Accused of Not Seasoning Food

When it comes to eating for pleasure, flavor is the one of the most important factors for enjoying the experience. However, the way in which things are flavored can be a contentious topic. One man’s feast is another man’s straight in the trash can, and the frequent internet arguments we see about food are living proof of that. What we like to eat is influenced by a host of factors including upbringing, cultural influence, and personal preference. 

Spices and aromatics are one of the most important parts of many meals, but they are also one of those things that few people seem to agree on. It’s also true that one of the main criticisms leveled at social media chefs is that their food is under seasoned. 

When one TikToker faced comments like this following a cooking video, she gave an impassioned rant on what she considered to be fresh seasoning. Some wholeheartedly agreed, while others were less impressed and even speculated if her argument had racist undertones. 

The fact of the matter is, there are meals from many types of cuisine that might be considered ‘bland’ because they don’t fit a narrow definition of what others think seasoning should be. However, that doesn’t mean that spice mixes and onion salt aren’t a tasty and necessary part of the kitchen for most cooks. Whatever you think of this opinion, it has undoubtedly got people talking. Taste will always be subjective.

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