Funniest Tweets About Peoples’ Controversial Opinions Regarding Candy Corn

Candy corn is most definitely not the preferred snack of everybody. For some reason it seems like everybody forgets about it for about 11 months of the year and then suddenly October appears and you see it in bulk bags at every grocery store in your neighborhood. Is it good? That’s kind of a tough question. It is objectively sweet. But is that enough? Is it really much of a flavor? Is it basically just like a sugar cube? Does anybody else feel like a horse being fed a sugar cube when somebody offers them a piece? Perhaps you’re thinking too much into it, it’s really just a color that makes them feel super seasonal and the way that they’re shaped like little witch hats. But whatever your opinion on Candy corn is, we do love them very much because they remind us that it is spooky season once again, and who doesn’t like a spooky season? So whatever your opinion on candy corn is, you’ll probably enjoy these funny tweets about them.

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