‘Hi, I’m Here For My Crying Appointment’ : Most Relatable Therapy Memes of the Week

Booking therapy sessions are basically booking a crying session. You go, talk about your childhood, your ex, your crushed hopes, and long gone dreams. You come to the conclusion that your problems stem from childhood. Rather, your therapist comes to that conclusion. And if that all sounds terrible — it is. But you get a shoulder to cry on so it’s not as bad as it could be. Plus, it’s a huge green flag if you’re working on yourself, and that goes for any area in life. Well, maybe you shouldn’t come to a job interview bragging that you go to therapy, but it sure is a good thing to mention after a few dates. At least, we think so.


Unfortunately, therapy is not accessible for everyone, because it’s bloody expensive. But today there are a lot of online options as well, and they can be cheaper. Remember, green flags people! Sooooo if you wanna become aware of your issues on a deeper level and think that you could relate to these memes, or if you are already actively going to therapy and therefore know what it’s like, feel free to scroll down and check ‘em out! And if you feel like these aren’t enough, and you wanna check out last weeks memes as well, you can click here.

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