People Call Out All The Aesthetics They Hate With “This Style Sucks” Trend

One of the main principles of art is that it is subjective. One person’s idea of a masterpiece could be another’s idea of artistic hell. No matter what are personal style is, many of us take our aesthetic sensibilities very seriously — so it’s especially upsetting to see something that craps all over them. It may not be offensive, exactly, but if you don’t like looking at or hearing it, it makes sense to call it out.

This is the premise behind a recent TikTok trend started by @ethangarz, where people show up artistic styles that really grind their gears. Beginning with the truck commercial-friendly music Ethan calls «swag rock», TikTokers have used the sound to express their displeasure towards everything from tattoos to celebrities. No one genre of something is ever going to please everyone, but it’s easy to agree that many of the examples here are kind of ugly. Just don’t tell that to the people that love them.


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