Satisfying Times People Got Owned By Clever Comebacks

Everyone’s dreamt up the perfect clever comeback to someone who says something dumb and deserves to be owned, but we can’t all be masters of wit all the time. More often than not, we’re left to play the scenario over and over again, in the shower, or during your commute. We think about the things we could have said to make our enemies or bullies wish they had never been born. The perfect own that would leave them quaking in their boots or pissing their proverbial pants. Unfortunately, these fantasy scenarios rarely – if ever – happen when they should. It’s a real shame that leaves us feeling kind of powerless. But there are people who seem to know just what to say in response to something stupid or rude. And we’ve collected a bunch of examples of times people served up some satisfying comebacks and retorts for the whole internet to see. We could probably learn a thing or two from these savages.

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