The Best Gaming Memes of the Week (September 14, 2022)

I got on the Steam Deck waiting list about a year ago, unsure at the time whether I would actually buy one, but confident that a year would be plenty of time to make a decision. I was wrong. When I finally got the email notifying me that it was finally my chance to purchase the fabled PC 2, I didn’t know what to do. I weighed the choices over and over again in my head. I never leave the house, why would I need a Steam Deck? I can literally just play all these games on my computer—do I really need to play RDR2 lying down? Yes. The answer is yes. But…maybe I should get the Switch instead? That way I at least have more game options. This went on for two days until finally the window of time to purchase the Steam Deck had nearly run out. I stared blankly at the countdown clock until my chance disappeared. And no, I still haven’t bought a Switch either. 

There was a point to all this, but it’s lost…just like my Steam Deck. Anyway, here’s the best gaming memes of the week!

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