25+ Bed Rot Memes for Lying in Bed All Day

Sometimes you don’t choose bed rot, bed rot chooses you. Sometimes you have plans for the day and an invisible hand comes and pulls the covers back over your head, puts your phone in your hand, and opens up the YouTube shorts. Call it depression, call it much needed rest, call it the onset of the common cold, either way, odds are you’ve spent some time rotting in bed. 

There can be a deliciousness to it, not holding yourself to any obligations or responsibilities, and simply letting your body and mind rest. There can also be a dark side to it when you find yourself on the 25th video essay about a niche abandoned rollercoaster. But there’s no denying that sometimes we have no choice but to rot. So if you find yourself in one of those times, these memes are here to keep you company. They completely understand you.

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