Andrew Tate Challenges Greta Thunberg, Gets Absolutely Slaughtered on Twitter

For all its downfalls, we’ve got to hand it to social media occasionally. Just when it is beginning to get annoying, it serves us up the kind of pure entertainment that it would be impossible to find anywhere else. 

Most of us know Andrew Tate as the premium rate douchebag who has made a career out of degrading women, and Greta Thunberg as the precocious environmental activist who strikes for the climate. They make an odd couple that probably wouldn’t cross paths in real life. Twitter, though, is a different matter.

Greta has been known for having a sharp tongue towards some who bring criticism to her on the platform, as her mockery of former president Donald Trump has made clear. It was not the wisest idea for everyone’s favorite masculinity expert to publicly challenge her too, but that didn’t stop him.

Requesting her email address so he could send her a list of his 33 cars and the carbon emissions they made, she coolly responded with a burn that had a sizzle it was truly impossible to recover from. Will this legendary interaction end up being written into the Andrew Tate obituary? Only time will tell. 

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