Aunt cares for her 9 and 14-year-old nephews for 2 years after her sister passes, brother-in-law kicks her out after she asked the oldest to make lunch once: ‘I packed my things and left quietly’

It’s sad to realize that the most selfless, hardworking, and giving people rarely get credit for their contributions to others. That might, in part, be because they’re doing things out of the kindness of their hearts instead of for praise and status, but I think that’s letting off the benefactors of their services too easy. They don’t get credit because people often take the hard, selfless workers in their lives for granted. Think of that person in the office who always picks up the slack for their coworkers who can barely do their job correctly. Or consider the parent volunteers at your child’s school doing unpaid labor for the good of all the kids in the community. There are probably helpers in your family that need to be thanked, and the woman this story follows is one of them. After her sister passed away, she took care of her nephews for two years, but after one so-called mistake, her services were dismissed by their father. 

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