The Most Amusing Pancake Memes in Time for Pancake Day

Oh boy, oh boy. For those of us that loosely follow the Christian calendar, it’s one of my favorite holidays of the year. Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras, Pancake Day — call it what you want, the 24 hours we are currently living through are dedicated to all things shallow fried batter.

Traditionally speaking, this day marks the beginning of Lent. This is when Christians would cook up all the sugar, fats, and eggs in their cupboards in preparation for 40 days of fasting. In these less observant times, though, most of us just use today as an excuse to enjoy premium breakfast foods for dinner. 

On the one hand, it’s probably not a great thing that yet another historical tradition has turned into a festival of gluttony. On the other, pancakes are a beautiful food that deserve all the celebration they can get. I’ve yet to meet somebody who doesn’t like pancakes in some form, so hopefully most will enjoy these pancake memes, too. 

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