Tolkien Tuesday: The Best Lord of the Rings Memes This Week (April 12, 2022)

Hello again, internet friends. We’re back with another one of our weekly collections of mostly-fresh and mostly-dumb Lord of the Rings memes. We are pleased to report that there’s been a massive reduction of memes involving Will Smith slapping Chris Rock, so it seems our favorite meme makers have come to our senses. We were growing pretty weary of that subject matter. Mostly because Lord of the Rings memes don’t need to rely on some dumb pop culture event. In fact, they’re some of the most prolific and diverse memes out there. With six movies to work with, and infinite relatable situations, the memes being presented to us should really be a bit more interesting. This week we’ve got plenty of shitposts to go around. Some of them are wholesome. Some of them painfully literal. But all of them have to do with our favorite subject matter. What more could a nerdy meme-lover want? 

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