25+ Memes for Former Gifted Kids Struggling in Adulthood

Much like «eldest daughter,» «former gifted kid» has become a frequently used label that helps us explain our pathologies as adults. Maybe you were in the gifted and talented program as a kid and now you have a hard time getting out of bed. Maybe you once crushed AP history and math and now you need a calculator to solve basic addition problems. Maybe you were told too many times that you’re an «old soul» and now that you’re actually an adult, you have no idea what you’re doing. It’s a very common crisis. 

But luckily there are memes to make you feel like you’re in good company, at the very least. Because if former gifted kids can do nothing else (besides cycling between perfectionism and dejection), they can make a good meme. So if you feel like you once had potential and now all you have is memes, this list is for you.

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