Helpful Pharmacist Scrutinized After Downing Unhinged Monster Energy Drink Cocktail

It’s important to refrain from judging people based on their idiosyncratic preferences, whether they’re regarding dating, food, or fashion. But sometimes, people do stuff that is so heinous that you can’t help but give them an incredulous extended side-eye or a disappointed shake of the head. This applies for TikTok pharmacist @philsmypharmacist. Phil has made something of a name for himself creating helpful videos that share smart OTC pharmacy hacks and wellness tips. In a recent video where he shares a remedy for chapped hands, Phil stunned viewers at the halfway mark by nonchalantly creating a incredibly strange and revolting concoction – Monster energy drink with a few repulsively thick pours of the antacid Mylanta. 

The clip instantly left viewers with a collective «???» reaction on both TikTok and Twitter, where users felt the need to share the WTF-ery they had just witnessed. Later, in a comment, Phil explains that the move is to prevent the heartburn that can be caused by Monster. But we’re still wondering why he had to mix them. Sometimes efficiency isn’t worth it.

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