MSCHF Tease Clownish ‘Big Red Boots’ Drop, Get Roasted and Memed

While most of us don’t treat that way, fashion is an art form. We can laugh at some of the crazy fits that haute couture throws at us, but they’re not created with the intention of your average wage slave rocking up to the office in them. 

Although not everyone will approve, it’s also fun to experiment with your look now and then. There’s no shame in trying out something new for a change, but sometimes that will come with the price of getting some funny looks. 

Still, that’s exactly what some designers are going for, as an outlandish pair of viral footwear have recently proven. MSCHF, an art collective, have released a pair of Astro Boy inspired boots that look like they’ve come from straight out of a cartoon. After a promotional video for them dropped on Twitter, the strange design immediately started to split opinion. Wearing them definitely looks like it would be an …experience. At least they make for some amusing reactions and memes. 

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