If you’ve ever heard the phrase, «Don’t be your child’s first bully,» you’ll probably also enjoy the less classic but nonetheless resonant, «Don’t enable your child’s first bully.» There are a lot of excuses that can be made for school bullies. They might not have the best home life, or they might be taking their anger out on their classmates because they feel bad about themself. Whatever the cause of bullying is, it doesn’t excuse the behavior. It’s the parent’s job to help their kid stand up for themselves, and if they can’t stand up for themselves on their own, parents should tell teachers and even admin what’s going on. That basic tenet of good parenting seems to be lost on one father of a 10-year-old girl. Her lunch is being stolen in the cafeteria, and instead of helping to stop this, he opts to pack two lunches instead. What could be wrong with that?