Earnest Memes For Wholesome Souls

There are so many different kinds of memes in the world. As time has gone on, we tend to veer more and more absurd in our memes to the point where internet trends of the past are virtually unrecognizable. Some of us also dabble in edgelord memes that you may or may not want your mom or your boss to see you post. However, there’s one kind of meme that I believe will never die. That of course, is the wholesome meme. Wholesome memes work for every age demographic. They’re great for people who are over the hubbub and constant discourse of the Internet and just want to see something that will make them smile. Wholesome memes aren’t always just rainbows and puppies, but they leave you feeling more optimistic about the world than you felt before you scrolled through them. Why not be earnest for once, as a treat?

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