Horrible Cringe That Goes Beyond Cringeworthy

From the moment we gain some basic level of self-awareness, being alive is a horribly embarrassing enterprise. Worse still, we don’t come with an inbuilt instinct of what is wrong and right when it comes to not making a fool of ourselves. It means that every day, we’re on a journey of trying to learn how not to face humiliation. Shame is a powerful emotion, and some of those who manage to ignore its existence should be admired. However, not everyone who is willfully oblivious should be applauded in the same way. Sometimes, feeling cringe is a useful emotional state. Some people can say and do some terrible things when they fail to acknowledge it, and this only makes the world a worse place. At least when we look at examples, we can make a mental note of what we shouldn’t do ourselves. Hopefully, though, we weren’t going to act like this anyway. 

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