People Debate Whether Employees Should Be Allowed To Nap At Work

Once the basics of food and water are out the way, there’s nothing more important to our basic functioning than proper sleep. Seasoned insomniacs and occasional night owls alike can concur that everything is a whole lot harder to do when you’re tired.

Near the top of this list is when we have to go to work. There’s nothing like the rote tasks that we perform for money to suck the lifeblood out of you, especially for those who have to commute as well. The post lunch slump hits hard even when you’ve managed to squeeze in eight hours the night before. 

This fact has led a corner of Twitter to reflect on ways to try and combat the fatigue. When @aashi__02 called for napping at work to be normalized, not everyone was inclined to agree with her. On the one hand, all those days of dragging yourself through the day with multiple coffees and an eyelid twitch could be a thing of the past. On the other hand, who wants to take forty winks next to the guy they’re convinced is stealing their sandwiches? No matter what your take on the issue, it’s clear that many of us could do with logging off and getting some shut eye.


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