Woman Does Withering Takedown Of Hipster “Twee” Revival

It may be too early to tell how 2022 will turn out yet, but we do have one negative indicator: the early 2010s hipster revival is incoming. Repackaged as «twee» for a trend-hungry Gen Z audience, ukuleles and ModCloth are having a moment in the sun again.

However, not everybody is happy with this development. Some of those who remember this subculture from the first time round are taking issue with its resurgence, including @bourbonformyalpacas

In a minute long video, she takes down every wannabe TikTok tastemaker, remembering hipster girls the way she experienced them and not how they are looked upon now. While it might be too late to stop mustache finger tattoos making a comeback, many people agreed with her conclusions.


This style is not coming back, btw. This is a TikTok trend and nothing else.

♬ Why Do You Let Me Stay Here? – She & Him


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