Cooking holiday meals often falls on the women in the family. There is nothing about being a woman that makes them more qualified to stuff breads, fruits, and nuts inside a turkey, but unfortunately, we live in a society where men don’t want to do that. I can’t help but wonder how much more smoothly Thanksgiving dinners would go if everyone in the family helped out. You could crank out a multi-course meal in 3 hours flat if Uncle Jim got off the couch and peeled some potatoes, but that might never happen, given how much he loves the Cowboys.
Sometimes, Thanksgiving dinner doesn’t just fall on the women in the family, but on the woman in the family. She’s the one who is in charge of all of the dishes, and no matter how much she needs help, nobody ever offers it. The mom in this story is the woman in her husband’s family who cooks for Thanksgiving every year, and she’s just plain sick of it.