24 Dodgeball Memes for Adults Playing Elementary School Games Into Their 30s

There’s really something to adult dodgeball. When you’re a kid, dodgeball is either a humiliating ritual or a moment of great triumph, depending on your athletic abilities. However, most kids don’t play dodgeball outside of elementary school gym class, moving on to more reputable sports like football, soccer, or basketball. They play those games through middle school, high school, and college if they’re lucky. Once you get out of college, there are few places for a sporty person to go. They can become a CrossFit person, a lifting bro, or a general runner. But where’s the fun in that? As far as I’m concerned, at least 50% of the fun of sports is the competitive element. That’s why adult dodgeball has gripped our nation for decades. It can be as high or low stakes as you want it to be, and it’s an opportunity to play a real game where you can win or lose. If you’re a dodgeball player and proud of it, these dodgeball memes won’t hit you in the face.

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